
While our decking looks good, it always stays cool.

             Ever stepped on a wooden deck in the heat of summer, or even harsher maybe a composite deck? We all know how that feels, burning and blistering our feet. Docks have the same problem, maybe worse, as docks are constantly being bombarded by the sun’s heat. However, with any of the SunWalk™ Superior Surfaces decking options, their temperature never gets any higher than the ambient temperature. This means that enjoying your dock on a hot day won’t be painful.

             Because of SunWalk’s unique patterns on our 45 series and 90 series panels, they release solar heat almost instantly, making them much less susceptible to temperature build-up. This is even true for our darker colors. This means that your deck will always stay at a comfortable temperature, meaning that you can enjoy it throughout the day without experiencing scalded feet.

             Our panels are made of plastic with a cellular core leading to SunWalk Panels having a much lower thermal mass than that of wood, so they never hold too much heat in the first place. Yes, even our Wood series of panels don’t heat up like actual wood. This means that you can have that wood grain deck look you’ve always wanted, but without frying your feet whenever you want to use it.

             While our panels may look hot 😉, they never get hot. The materials used to produce all of the SunWalk™ Superior Surfaces, along with our innovative patterns and designs, means that your dock will always be comfortable to walk on, no matter what the temperature is outside. Want a cooler deck? Cover it in cooler decking, straight from SunWalk™!